Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rediscovering a work I used to dig

There's not a whole lot to tell about today's choice, but I am instead including it because it was a work I listened to a lot when I was much younger, but was unable to find a copy of for whatever reason until today when I randomly decided to google it. It's the Passacaglia finale from Handel's Harpsichord Suite in G minor. I will post the regular version of it, along with a contrasting arrangement that might be more widely performed for violin and viola by the Norwegian Johan Halverson. The duo is an old recording of Jasha Heifetz, who is one of those old timey legends of Jewish violin playing in the middle of the 20th century. he was actually notable also for locking his wife out of his house, precipitating a divorce. I don't really have much to say for recording recommendations of either since it's just one movement of a work, and I only today rediscovered it, which I'm personally really excited about.

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